
Mcville Industrial Group's Imported German Standard Corrugated Pipe Cutoff Valve


The Mcville Industrial Group is a professional valve manufacturer with years of production experience and technical accumulation. Our products cover various types of valves, including cutoff valves, ball valves, regulating valves, safety valves, and more. Among them, our imported German standard corrugated pipe cutoff valve is one of our important products.


The German standard corrugated pipe cutoff valve is a high-quality valve product that uses high-quality materials and advanced production technology. It has good corrosion resistance, high temperature resistance, and pressure resistance. Its main feature is the use of corrugated pipes as sealing elements, which can effectively prevent leakage and seepage. At the same time, its structure is simple, easy to operate, and easy to maintain, making it a very practical valve product.


The main advantages of the German standard corrugated pipe cutoff valve include the following:

1. 优质材料:德标波纹管截止阀采用优质的材料,如不锈钢、碳钢等,具有很好的耐腐蚀性和耐高温性能。

1. High-quality materials: The German standard corrugated pipe cutoff valve uses high-quality materials such as stainless steel and carbon steel, which have good corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance.

2. 波纹管密封:德标波纹管截止阀采用波纹管作为密封元件,可以有效地防止泄漏和渗漏。

2. Corrugated pipe sealing: The German standard corrugated pipe cutoff valve uses corrugated pipes as sealing elements, which can effectively prevent leakage and seepage.

3. 结构简单:德标波纹管截止阀的结构简单,操作方便,维护容易。

3. Simple structure: The structure of the German standard corrugated pipe cutoff valve is simple, easy to operate, and easy to maintain.

4. 耐压性能:德标波纹管截止阀具有很好的耐压性能,可以承受高压力的工作环境。

4. Pressure resistance: The German standard corrugated pipe cutoff valve has good pressure resistance and can withstand high-pressure working environments.

5. 适用范围广:德标波纹管截止阀适用于各种工业领域,如化工、石油、天然气、制药等。

5. Wide range of applications: The German standard corrugated pipe cutoff valve is suitable for various industrial fields, such as chemical, petroleum, natural gas, pharmaceuticals, and more.


The main technical parameters of the German standard corrugated pipe cutoff valve include the following:

1. 阀门公称直径:DN15-DN300

1. Valve nominal diameter: DN15-DN300

2. 阀门公称压力:PN16-PN40

2. Valve nominal pressure: PN16-PN40

3. 适用介质:水、油、气体等非腐蚀性介质

3. Applicable media: non-corrosive media such as water, oil, and gas

4. 适用温度:-20℃-+200℃

4. Applicable temperature: -20℃-+200℃

5. 波纹管材质:不锈钢、碳钢等

5. Corrugated pipe material: stainless steel, carbon steel, etc.

6. 阀门连接方式:法兰连接、螺纹连接等

6. Valve connection method: flange connection, threaded connection, etc.


Installation and maintenance of German standard corrugated pipe cutoff valve:

1. 安装前应检查阀门的外观和内部结构是否完好,阀门的密封面是否清洁。

1. Before installation, check whether the appearance and internal structure of the valve are intact, and whether the sealing surface of the valve is clean.

2. 安装时应根据阀门的使用要求选择合适的安装位置和连接方式,并注意阀门的方向。

2. When installing, choose the appropriate installation position and connection method according to the requirements of the valve, and pay attention to the direction of the valve.

3. 在使用过程中,应定期检查阀门的密封性能和操作性能,如有问题及时进行维修或更换。

3. During use, regularly check the sealing performance and operation performance of the valve, and repair or replace it in time if there is a problem.

4. 在维护阀门时,应注意阀门的密封面和波纹管的状态,如有损坏或磨损应及时更换。

4. When maintaining the valve, pay attention to the sealing surface of the valve and the state of the corrugated pipe. If there is damage or wear, replace it in time.





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